What is the next best thing to being wise?
Why, to surround yourself with people who are! It seems simple enough. You may have heard it said, that you reflect the company you keep, so make sure that company is good. When our friends embody the values we do, they help us become better people. After all, we want to be lifted up - not broken down or pulled apart. Every now and then it is good to take stock of one's friends. Decide who's a keeper - and who needs to be weeded out. Decide who energizes you and who drains you. Decide who wants to make you a better person. That's the one you'll always want to have around. Sometimes our friends challenge us. They make us grow. And sometimes in the process of doing that we may perceive that they have hurt us. But that was not their motivation. We may realize that on closer inspection. So cut them some slack. Need an early summer cleaning project? Think about who inspires you. Be grateful for their presence in your life. And while you're at it, let them know!
olga rodriguez RasmussenChanging the world! Archives
April 2024