This quote, from the poet May Sarton's writings, is one that is often repeated and illustrated. It is a favorite of many, and certainly of mine as well:
"Help us to be always hopeful gardeners of spirit, who know that without darkness nothing comes to birth, as without light, nothing flowers." You and I, might not be actual gardeners in the traditional sense, but we are all called to be gardeners of spirit - tending our own inner, delicate, souls. Another famous writer and spiritual figure, John Henry Newman, wrote: "Growth is the only evidence of life." And still another, Francis de Sales, noted in the 17th century, that true growth is often a slow and hidden process. What is to be learned from all this wisdom? We are told that true growth - within and without - is often slow, and perhaps not noticeable to many outside of us. There are difficult and challenging experiences to be dealt with along the way. There are days of both light and darkness, as well as days of aridity and rain. And we also know that this slow growth is truly evidence of an effervescent life, waiting for its moment to burst forth and shine through. So, do not be discouraged. Turn these lessons into some positive affirmations that you can repeat to yourself along the way, as reminders of your slow, hidden, but beautiful inner growth: I am growing deeply, day by day. My deep roots ground me firmly. I grow slowly but continously, my branches reaching towards the sky. Day by day, the sun and soil nourish me. I am a unique blossom, and I am a thing of beauty. Be a spirit gardener and seed the earth with your beauty and uniqueness! For free resources to support you in your growth and practice, visit: Gifts 4 U!
If you are anything like me, you are probably easily triggered. By the silliest of things.
Some of mine are: The noise my hard of hearing husband makes in the morning as I am trying to meditate. Or, towels that are not folded "correctly." Or, the overflowing neighborhood cars parked in front of my house. I'll fret over a hypothetical situation like - what if a workman is repair something that happened overnight? Where will he park? We all have thoughts and concerns that fill our minds - many of which we can't control - and others which we simply want to control all of the time. Sometimes I remind myself, that NO ONE appointed me Master of the Universe! A hard reality to swallow! But the reality is, that the things that upset us most about others are things we harbor within ourselves that need our attention and that we need to change. In other words, others hold up a mirror to where we need to do our own work to further our growth. A couple of days ago, as I was exasperated at all these things I found annoying and irritating - all of them rather silly, I exclaimed to a Higher Power - the Universe: "When will all this stop bothering me?" And then the answer came so quickly it surprised me: "When it stops bothering you!" Ah! So, only I can stop this pointless exercise in futility. And so I told myself, "This has to stop! NONE OF THIS is in any way important!" Really. In the grand scheme of things, this needless worry was taking up oxygen and precious inner resources. And then, I felt an almost immediate sigh of relief. For a simple practice today, examine the things that are most triggering you. Pick one, and decide you are done with letting it take up free rent in your brain. Then, start to chip away at the stack systematically. Revisit periodically as needed and you start to let go of all the thoughts that do not serve you. Practice, and enjoy! For more simple practices and free resources, visit: GIFTS 4 U! You have probably heard the old adage, "Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."
This is so true, but so hard to wrap our brains around because we often do not believe that we are enough - not good enough, not smart enough - well, just not enough... But we are. Why? Because each one of us is an irrepeatable spark of Divine Light. No one like us has ever been, or will be again. Read that again. So I say to you: Be bold. Be brave. Be you! This morning, I read this wonderful quote: "The way you treat yourself is one of the few things you control in life. There’s no reason to be anything but kind to yourself, in both your speech and your actions." Toni Bernhard, “Self-Care in an Uncertain World” So yes, you are you - unique in every way. Notice your self talk. Treating others well begins with us treating ourselves well. Go out today - and every day, and simply, Be Bold! Be Brave. Be Beautiful. Be who you are and BE that well! Be YOU! Supportive resources wait for you here: Gifts 4 U! Visit website: MeditationSimple On this day of August 8th, often called the Lion's Gate, because the numbers of the day are 8:8, there is supposed to be a special energy that permeates the day and allows for creativity and change.
I don't think it matters whether you believe in this or not. I think you can choose to see this day as one of change or transformation. But then, I sincerely believe that all days can be that, if we invite that change and transformation into our lives. One of the easiest ways to do this is by formulating an affirmation that is relevant to our circumstance, and then repeating it over and over again, until it becomes our reality. Mostly, the affirmations should benefit us on a personal level, but they can also have an impact on a global level as well. When we change. The world changes too. You have have heard the adage, "Change your mind, and change your life." I would also add this: "Change your life and you change the world." Here is a wonderful affirmation for all of to embody: "I am Pure Love." Close your eyes and think of what your life would be like, and the impact you would have if you truly believed that you are pure love. Then imagine the world this would be if everyone believed it as well. There would be peace, and harmony, acceptance, cooperation, and creative solutions would flow from all those things. Repeat this affirmation over and over again in your meditation or quiet moments. Repetition will make it your mantra. You ARE Pure Love! Yes! I believe it. YOU are pure Love. And so am I. It's just that many of us have just not recognized it. Go out and shine that Love and Light that you are at your essence! And if you would like FREE helpful resources to enable you to engage in more mindful living, visit: GIFTS 4 U! |
olga rodriguez RasmussenChanging the world! Archives
January 2024