You have probably heard the old adage, "Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."
This is so true, but so hard to wrap our brains around because we often do not believe that we are enough - not good enough, not smart enough - well, just not enough... But we are. Why? Because each one of us is an irrepeatable spark of Divine Light. No one like us has ever been, or will be again. Read that again. So I say to you: Be bold. Be brave. Be you! This morning, I read this wonderful quote: "The way you treat yourself is one of the few things you control in life. There’s no reason to be anything but kind to yourself, in both your speech and your actions." Toni Bernhard, “Self-Care in an Uncertain World” So yes, you are you - unique in every way. Notice your self talk. Treating others well begins with us treating ourselves well. Go out today - and every day, and simply, Be Bold! Be Brave. Be Beautiful. Be who you are and BE that well! Be YOU! Supportive resources wait for you here: Gifts 4 U! Visit website: MeditationSimple Comments are closed.